
Black Lives Matter

I would be remiss if I did not address the biggest issue worldwide at the moment: BIPOC's right to basic human rights, basic human decency, and life. I am a cisgender white woman. I will never personally know the struggles of Black people. I do not have to experience the struggles firsthand, however, to understand the systemic problem that exists in the United States and many other countries throughout the world. I do not have to have brown or black skin to know that being treated as less than human due to nothing more than the color of one's skin is not acceptable. I do not have to have brown or black skin to know that we live in a nation build on the bodies of Indigenous and Black people. I do not have to have brown or black skin to know that saying "All Lives Matter" erases the issue at hand, which is that our nation treats Black lives as if they do not matter. I do not have to have brown or black skin to know that our nation requires a systemic change. Police brut

The Little Things

There are so many causes to care about and no activism is worthwhile unless it is intersectional. We must care for our planet. 🌍 🌎 🌏 Not only is Earth our home but environmental issues such as climate change disproportionately affect affect already disadvantaged groups. We cannot care for the disadvantaged without caring for the Earth and vice versa - they are inherently intertwined issues. If you dig deep enough, you will find most worthwhile causes are intertwined: LGBTQ+ rights, women's rights, the fight for racial equality, immigrant rights, environmental activism, the fight against diseases and poverty... How do we take on these issues without reaching burnout? How do we take on these issues when our own survival relies on maintaining a delicate lifestyle balance in a world driven by money? Capitalism does not allow much room for caring. When you work nonstop to make ends meet, where do you find time to be an activist; how do you have time to make your home and lifestyle ki